Zapraszam na konkurs zorganizowany przez sklep
Zasady sa niezwykle prosty a mianowicie, podziel sie z nami swoim stylem , zdjecia moga pochodzic ze znanych stron , czasopism, moga byc zrobione przez Ciebie o nawet jakis wlasny projekt, moze wziasc udzial w konkursie.
Aby wziasc udzial w konkursie potrzebne sa 2 zdjecia jedno z przodu a drugie z tylu.
All rules are here:
1. Be our fashion buyer! Provide your fashion styles to us, they can come
from your favorite websites, the photos you take or even your own design.
Tips: 2 photos at least. One is the front, the other is the back.
2. Invite your friends and family to vote for you.
3. 1500 points(US$15) & US$50 Amazon gift cards for the first top-10 superb
4. We will refer to fashion element, then produce samples from selection
and reward EXTRA US$100 coupon.
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